These 2014 10 Top New Years Resolutions and Goals are pretty predictable.
I bet you'd agree. Many of these same ones popped up last year, didn't
they? So why do many of the same goals never get accomplished?
(by Larry Rudwick, professional business coach, consultant)
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10 New ResolutionsWhy is Goal Setting Important?
Many times, the previous years' resolutions, personal and business goals haven't been kept, but they are still deemed quite important. It's interesting to note that most of these Top New Years Resolutions, personal and business goals are centered on self-improvement and emotional goals. What are the top 10 resolutions, personal and business goals for each brand new year?
Here's a hint: They all have to do with being happier (or "more content"), healthier, wealthier, and more focussed.
Although the specifics may differ slightly from January to January, the following are some of the common, frequent, usual 10 Top New Years Resolutions made each year. Have they been on your list in past years? Are they still your current list?
1) Lose Weight - personal trainers and gyms throughout the country experience a rise in business around the first of the year that they don't see the rest of the year. We inherently want to make a new start on life when January comes around and losing weight is one of the top resolutions people make for themselves. Please Note: Many people don't realize that about 80% of weight loss usually involves eating right and portion control, as opposed to exercise.
2) Focus more on friends and family - we are a generation of people who spend a heck of a lot of the time traveling around for our jobs or running to sports events or chauffeuring our children here and there. But cell phones and texting can only go so far. In the midst of all of that, we often realize that we have lost precious quality time with the people closest to us. The beginning of a New Year gives us the opportunity to make amends by trying harder to spend quality time WITH loved ones - in person!
3) Exercise regularly - we all know we need to "move it" but find ourselves drawn in by the computer, television, or other activities instead of taking that thirty-minute walk or doing a bit of strength training. Exercise is one of the keys to staying healthy, feeling younger, and having a clearer mind, right? So why don't we do it regularly, if at all? Think about it this way: if you exercised regularly, you'd be more focused and productive at work. And wouldn't you be able to play more often without so much guilt? SUGGESTIONS: 1) Unless you have health restrictions, why not use the stairs more often, rather than the elevator. Not only will you get more exercise, but walking up 1 to 4 flights of stairs will often get you to your destination FASTER than waiting for an elevator! 2) Whenever possible, don't drive your car to go several blocks. Walk. And smile while you walk! You're accomplishing one of your Ten Top New Years Resolutions!
4) Enjoy life - yes, enjoy life! Top New Years Resolutions embody so much of what people vow to do at the beginning of each year. If we exercise, spend time with loved ones, and lose weight, well then we'll enjoy life more! At least, that's what we think will happen - at some point. SUGGESTION: Let's face it:. Exercise and losing weight might be something you want to do and are doing. But they may not be enjoyable for you. Figure out what is enjoyable that you're not doing and schedule in some "fun time"!
5) Quit smoking and/or drinking - these can be addictions for some people and are very rough to quit cold turkey. But, every time January rolls around, there is a great number of people who resolve to quit drinking and smoking so they can have a better quality of life. Can't do it alone? There's LOTS of help out there, if you really want to quit.
6) Volunteer - Do you know, when you volunteer, not only are you helping others, but you'll likely feel better about yourself?!?!. There is something inherently in each of us that makes us want to help others. Granted, it's a two way street - when you help someone, that person feels good and so do you. Either way, it's a win-win situation. SUGGESTION: Figure out what you like to do, do well, or would like to learn. Volunteer at an organization that can use these skills! (Just four more top New Years Resolutions to go.)
7) Climb out of debt - do you know that Americans carry billions of dollars of personal debt? The beginning of a New Year is the ideal time to begin making and sticking to a personal budget, possibly making some short-term "sacrifices" in order to enjoy other things later in life. Would you like to be able to afford to retire some day and have some money saved?!?! Retirement age will come sooner than you may imagine!
8) Get organized - clutter has a way of stealing our energy and our focus! It's no surprise that organization, or the desire to get organized, is at the top of many people's New Year resolution list. Getting rid of things you don't use and don't need can be very liberating! SUGGESTION: You may want to adopt the expression: "A place for everything, and everything in its place."
9) Reduce exhaustion and stress levels - the requirements of today's jobs and lifestyles can be very exhausting and stressful if we allow them to be. Family and friends can also be a huge source of anxiety for some individuals. Reducing your stress will make you feel better and you'll be more productive in every area of your life as a result. SUGGESTIONS: Prayer, mediation, yoga, exercise, etc. can give your mind and body a "mini-vacation" which can do a lot to relieve stress. And here's some information about Fun Ways to Relieve Stress.
10) Try something brand new - resolve to try new things you've never done before, such as pottery or rappelling. You'll be invigorated and motivated in ways you never knew were possible! Doing new things creates new pathways in the brain as well, which can improve your thinking abilities and give you other unexpected positive results!
Here's a new thought! If you really, really want to achieve any of these top new years resolutions (or have ANY other resolution or goal in mind), just sign up for my free monthly e-newsletter, where you'll receive new ideas and encouragement to help you succeed.
Sign up just below, or go to FREE Monthly Newsletter.
By signing up, you'll receive a link to the full version of my video entitled "Making Great Changes Happen - in your business, career, and personal life" -. (You can opt-out of the newsletter any time, and retain access to the video through 2012.)
These Top Ten New Years Resolutions and Goals can help you in your personal and professional life. Making positive changes in your personal life will make positive differences in your professional life. And vice versa.
But don't forget this: If you're not used to setting goals, you would benefit by getting some help for an experienced person, such as a business coach. Important goals and top New Years Resolutions must "fit the person", and this is often hard or virtually impossible to do well alone. If you're interested, feel free to contact me. (no charge, no obligation!)
You can apply of these resolutions to your career, business and/or personal life. Not only will it impact all three areas, but as you work on one, it can have a positive impact on another. For example, as you climb out of debt, your stress level will likely be reduced, and you will have some money to try something new and enjoy life. It's amazing how that works!
Call it a "good balanced life" or whatever you like. Just remember, if you're going to make resolutions, make ones you're really committed to keep and stick to them! So, how many of these Top New Years Resolutions and Goals DID surprise you?