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**Great Changes #19! FINALLY - Backissues Summary!
January 02, 2013

Encouraging Changes People Desire

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Issue #19: January 2, 2013

Business Coaching Newsletter:
Backissues Summary

One of my New Years Resolutions is now done! During much of 2012, I have wanted to make it easier for you to find and read my past issues of "Great Changes Ezine" but, like we all know, unless it finally gets to the top of the list, it just sits there.

I decided last night that I'm doing it now: And it just got finished: a new page on my website with descriptions AND links to each article!

Here is the link: "Business Coaching Newsletter Backissues"

My preceding article was:

Issue #18: "Improving Communications Skills" - Part 1: ("Best New Years Resolution Yet!") - I discuss the importance of communicating well.

After rereading that article, I thought: If I'm spending all this time trying to communicate to my growing number of subscribers, why don't I make it easier for each of you to find my past articles?!?!

Decision made. So there you have it.

My next article will be Part 2 of Improving Communications Skills. Look for it next week!

Free Offer to Jumpstart
Positive Changes!

...includes a coaching session with me.

Free Offer: To "Jumpstart Position Change" in your business, career and personal life, go to the Homepage and click on Step 1. The 5-Step Jumpstart will take about 2 hours, and includes a free coaching session with me, Larry Rudwick. Or call 571-331-6102.

Jumpstart Your Business Career

* * * * *

Please Pay it Forward

If you've been enjoying reading my newsletter and know other people that might be interested in reading it as well, please let them know.

I love challenges and am honored
to help people with theirs!

Executive Business Coach Consultant

Thanks for signing up for "Great Changes Ezine". I'm writing this for YOU.

I encourage you to contact me and let me know how you like it and what you'd like me to write about in future issues.

Until next time,
Larry Rudwick

Business Tune Ups Homepage

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