Business Coaching to Groups - group members benefits:
goal setting, time management, and much more

Business Coaching to Groups (group business coaching), provides practical,
cost-effective formats for business owners, corporate executives, and others.

The group "shares" the coach's (facilitator's) time and experience among the other members, and the members provide their own insights during and after each session.

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Group Business Coaching Creates Success

Introduction: Are you trying to improve your business or career? Consider business coaching to groups or "hybrid" format. Business coaching to groups has a number of advantages, including its lower cost.

Why be "Coached" at all? "It's lonely at the top" is an expression that's so true for many small business owners and others. Business owners and corporate executives often don't have people who can totally relate to our situations. Furthermore, is there anyone who would just walk into our offices and tell us "how it really is" out there, when that could be so useful? Having one or more people who are comfortable being open with us (and vice versa) about the challenges we really face can make huge differences in so many ways.

Through my experiences of coaching others and being coached, I know, when we're in the right frame of mind and in a good setting, we become more open to new ideas and then are more likely to develop new, more productive habits. That's part of the "magic" of business coaching, and also holds true for business coaching to groups.

One-On-One Coaching is when the client and coach work privately together, often over the phone and Internet. The client typically comes prepared with items to focus on during that session. Each session's goal is to receive powerful "takeaways", things that have been learned, and new actions committed to.

Business Coaching to Groups - In business coaching to groups, the business coach becomes part coach, and part facilitator. Business groups can be formed in a number of ways.

How groups are formed: Some groups consist of employees from the same organization. Other groups may consist of people working in the same industry from around the country (or world). Still other groups consist of small business owners from different industries. These groups often consist of 8-10 members, and often continue for 3 months, 6 months, 12 months or, in some cases, for many years. Once its members get to know each other, a strong bond often develops, and the group can become quite powerful, important, almost sacred!

Since the members don't compete with each other, people share their experiences (both positive and negative) to the group. Members learn from each other, instead of often learning "the hard way" (by their own mistakes). The business coach facilitates the meetings, and helps make sure they stay focused.

Between meetings, group members may even pair up to help each other as well.

"Hybrid Coaching" (a name I may have coined), is a combination of one-on-one coaching and business coaching to groups. For example, there may be two 90-minute group sessions and one 30-minute individual session per month. This can be very cost effective because the business coach/consultant typically charges a fraction the fees compared with strictly one-on-one individual coaching; like other types of hybrids, people can gain the best of both.

The costs vary widely. Individual coaching typically costs from a few hundred to over a thousand dollars per month, while group coaching can cost less than $100/month.

I am currently forming new business coaching groups for business owners, managers and corporate executives. If interested, please contact me for more information, and how to apply.

Coaching Business Groups Inquiry Form
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